Discover the Andes
Andes Alpaca Ranch
USD 465 / per person
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse tetur adipiscing elit. Mauris a rutrum arcu. Donec ut lobortis ante, non imperdiet est. Praesent vulputate at enim sit amet mattis. Integer diam erat, volutpat in rutrum nec, pulvinar at magna. Vestibulum nisi odio, rutrum eu ante in, posuere laoreet massa. In quis neque pretium, interdum felis et.
4 weeks / 3 weeks / 2 weeks / 1 week
Mascarilla Afro-Ecuadorian Community
USD 465 / per person
The Ecuadorian people of Mascarilla Afro Community are a proud and enterprising people that use ceramic art and cultural events to enrich and strengthen their community. The community is made up of the descendants of African slaves who have embraced their dark history with the strength that gave the town its namesake: mas-carrilla which means more strength.
4 weeks / 3 weeks / 2 weeks / 1 week
Nizag Nariz del Diablo
USD 465 / per person
Volunteers will be living with an indigenous Cañarí Tribe called Nizag Community who are made up of direct descendants of the Incas. This community is nestled in the Andes in a valley called Nizag next to the “Nariz del Diablo” or Nose of the Devil canyon made famous by the Devils Nose Train. Nizag is perfect for the volunteer who require little supervision and like initiating their own projects.
4 weeks / 3 weeks / 2 weeks / 1 week
Volunteer in the Cloud Forest
USD 585 / per person
Volunteers will be living in Cloud Forest Santa Lucia which is surrounded by dense cloud forest with a community that has developed a sustainable way of living off the land. The Cloud Forest is one of Ecuador’s most important ecosystems and is home to the Spectacle Bear and an amazing array of bird life.
4 weeks / 3 weeks / 2 weeks
Volunteer Mindo Cloud Forest
USD 465 / per person
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse tetur adipiscing elit. Mauris a rutrum arcu. Donec ut lobortis ante, non imperdiet est. Praesent vulputate at enim sit amet mattis. Integer diam erat, volutpat in rutrum nec, pulvinar at magna. Vestibulum nisi odio, rutrum eu ante in, posuere laoreet massa. In quis neque pretium, interdum felis et.
4 weeks / 3 weeks / 2 weeks / 1 week