
Mascarilla Afro-Ecuadorain Community

The Ecuadorian people of Mascarilla Afro Community are a proud and enterprising people that use ceramic art and cultural events to enrich and strengthen their community. The community is made up of the descendants of African slaves who have embraced their dark history with the strength that gave the town its namesake: mas-carrilla which means more strength.

After an archeologist discovered a mask relic from West Africa in the valley below the town, three artistic and charming cousins, Betty, Sylvia, and Paquita, taught themselves ceramic pottery and began creating replica masks, after years of practice their own style developed and the replicas became art of their own. Volunteers welcomed into the community will marvel at the warmth and generosity of spirit of the people of Mascarilla and my bet is that many will not want to leave.

Why This Volunteer Work Project is Important

The enterprising women of Mascarilla Afro Community have created a cultural center using ceramic art as a vehicle for education and empowerment of the communities youth. This volunteer program aims to help provide an alternative source of income for the community center as well as share and inspire the volunteers home culture with the youth of the community.

The Volunteer Perfect for this Program

– Speaks intermediate level of Spanish
– Speaks Intermediate level of Spanish
– Interested in art, cuture, and ceramics

Volunteer Tasks

– Teachers assistant in the preschool, and primary school, for small children
– Teach English to motivated children in afternoon classes
– Final year medical, dental, and orthodontic students or graduates can help in the communities small medical center
– Ceramics and pottery classes to create masks
– For anyone who has wordpress skills helping the community create a website to sell their masks would be a huge benefit.

Volunteer Expectations:

-Volunteers will be volunteering between Monday to Friday with weekends free for leisure time or travel around Ecuador.
-Apt to simple living
-Able to be self sufficient
-Volunteers are responsible to bring their own food to prepare meals in the kitchen facilities provided


$485 USD per month
$435 USD three weeks
$360 USD two weeks
$285 USD one week

Price Includes:

* Day 1: Airport pickup and first nights accommodation in Quito
* Day 2: Transfer to orientation in Riobamba / home stay
* Homestay in shared volunteer accomodation
* Training and Support
* Work Reference / Volunteer Certificate
* Contribution to the community

Volunteers also receive discounts on Mountain Climbing and Trekking Expeditions.

Minimum Time Spent Volunteering

– 1 week minimum
(Maximum 4 Volunteers at a Time)

Contact us for more information: